Thursday, February 21, 2019

Bringing Home Adam Book Critique

bill would non be form anyy declargond responsible until some twenty heptad years later. There are four main points that bring be critiqued in this paper. The complications faced by spy Matthews in imprintings with the Hollywood patrol Department in establish to purpose the fact. The wishing of technology and experience of the Hollywood jurisprudence Department concerning the ingathering of depict and witness statements. The interagency involvement in chanceing missing pincerren. The efforts and resources that came near as a result of the pass Walsh abduction and murder. Analysis re look to worker Matthews was a polygraph expert with the Miami Beach Police Department. He was asked to assist the Hollywood Police Department with the hug drug Walsh cuticle. throughout the appropriate, the author explains the trials and tribulations that investigator Matthews faced in attempt to help the Hollywood Police Department solve the shield. Detective Matthews was see n as an outsider from the beginning. He was met with hostility each time he seek to do his job. This was closely notably high lowered in the study of Jimmy Campbell. Jimmy Campbell was a family sponsor and was go Walshs Godfather.Detective Matthews conducted a polygraph interview of Jimmy Campbell and he was afterward stubborn to not defecate been involved in the abduction and murder of Adam. Though, when Detective Matthews explained who Mr.. Campbell was in relation to the Walsh Family, the lead spy in the case, Detective Jack H outman, mechanically determined that Mr.. Campbell was the guilty party. It was not long before Detective Matthews was taken off the case. Detective Hoffman explained to Detective Matthews that the case was winding down and that his go would no longer be undeniable. Stanford & Matthews, 2011, p. 6). From the beginning, Detective Hoffman was fixated on Mr.. Campbell, ignoring Detective Matthews expertise. scour after having been told that the p olygraph indicated no deception in Mr.. Campbell interview, Detective Hoffman based his acquisitions off of subjectivity. Based off of the fact that Mr.. Campbell lived in the Walsh household, had had an affair with Reeve Walsh, and had been asked to leave the residence, Detective Hoffman assumed that Mr.. Campbell had committed the crime.Several years later, Detective Matthews would be asked by Hollywood PDP political boss Witt to assist with the case. Detective Matthews anally had the chance to interview genus Otis gumshoe but was abruptly removed from case by Chief Witt. It is not exactly clear though, why Detective Matthews received much(prenominal) opposition. The author suggests that it was possible that the Hollywood PDP wanted credit for getting irradiations confession. It could be possible that by this time, the Hollywood Police Department was trying to do damage control and had known that they let the ball drop in moving forward with handling Tools confession.It would be some twenty seven years later when Detective Matthews would be able to complete his investigation, have access to the test collected during the investigation, and have access to witnesses, before the Holly. woods PDP would name Otis Tool as having been responsible for the abduction and murder of Adam Walsh. The authors argues that the lack Of technology and experience Of the Hollywood police Department concerning the collection of evidence and witness statements as a main factor in why this case took over twenty seven years to in the long run close.In the book, Detective Matthews noted the disorientation of the Hollywood Police Department when it came to taken down witness tips and information. turn some of the detectives seemed organized, others assigned to the case would final result incoming calls randomly, jot information granted by tipsters on fling of paper or napkins or whatever might be handy, past hurry out on unrelated assignments without bothering to log their calls (Stanford & Matthews, 201 1, p 26). At propagation it appeared that there was no sort of leadership organization.Even though Detective Hoffman was the lead investigator, he had never handled a high pro agitate case such as this. When Otis Tool was subsequently arrested for having committed a number of there murders, he confessed to Jacksonville Police Department Detective crony Terry. Detective Terry contacted Detective Hoffman to advise him of the confession. From the onset, Detective Hoffman accused the Jacksonville PDP detective of feeding information on the Adam Walsh case to Tool. Detective Hoffman subsequently took numerous confessions from Tool but, it was as if he was trying to prove that Tool did not commit the crime.Detective Hoffman Went as far as to have Detective Terry removed from the case, accusing Detective Terry of supplying with the Adam Walsh case agitate because the two of them planned to write a book for money. In telling the story of the unprofessiona l between these two detectives it highlighted what appeared to be a common problem within the Hollywood Police Department. The Adam Walsh case was the first high profile case for Detective Hoffman. He was reluctant to work with other agencies in helping solve the case. say of the murder weapon, car, victims clothing, and even an pressureion letter were improperly handled.With Tools confession, the Florida articulate Attorneys office needed evidence linking Tool to the crime prior to an arrest warrant creation issued. The strength of the evidence police roved to prosecutors is one of the most important factors influencing whether prosecutors file criminal charges. Thus, when police are able to secure tangible evidence and cooperative witnesses for the prosecution, the prosecutor is not only more likely to file charges, but is also more likely to win a conviction. (Number & gradable, 2014, p. 251).The State Attorneys office was never made aware of any evidence meet the murder wea pon or vehicle. Detective Hoffman went as far as to go on TV to claim that they found discrepancies in Tools confession. In cases such as this one, it would eave been best for Detective Hoffman to have given all the information to the State Attorneys office and let them decide what could or could not have been utilized in the case. The case of Adam Walsh involved several(prenominal) different police agencies. Anytime a question of jurisdiction is involved, it is important for agencies to work together and share information to solve the case.It is not uncommon for the federal official investigators to get involved in child abduction cases. In this particular case, Florida senator Paula Hawkins tried to get the FBI involved in the search for Adam Walsh. The FBI was reluctant to hinder n the case however. If Hollywood PDP was searching for a suspect someplace out of state then the feds would be more than happy to work a hand (Stanford & Matthews, 2011, p. 149). In 1 988, FBI Deputy Director Alan burgess advised that the Adam Walsh case had entered into the new nationwide infobase known as VICAR, the Violent Crime Apprehension Program.The FBI-VICAR became the national repository for violent crimes, collating data on homicides, awakenual assaults, missing persons, and unidentified human remains (Stanford & Matthews, 2011, p. 164). In 1988, the Walsh family received a letter from Tool confessing to the crime and ring to extort money in exchange for the location of Adam Walshs bones. The letter was given to Detective Hoffman and he filed the letter away citing a lack of forcible evidence. Several years later, when the Walsh Family spoke to the Michael Sat at the State Attorneys Office, he advised that he was not aware of the letter.The book demonstrated Detective Hoffmann failure to share information based off what he considered applicable to the case. There also appeared to be do direct oversight from his superior. When toilet and Reeve Walsh realized that their son had been kidnapped, they used every source they could to find him. While child abduction is frequently sensationalists, exaggerated, and thus misunderstood, the myth of an epidemic does lowly to alleviate concern at the family level and widespread conventional beliefs about abduction have developed (Miller et al. 2008, p. 524). The Walsh family was thrust into the spotlight and their personal lives were exposed to the world. Allegations of unfaithfulness and mob affiliation became, at one point, more important than firmness of purpose the case. Despite this, John and Reeve Walsh managed to bring about change in the way information n missing children was shared amongst practice of law enforcement agencies in the US. While the media tends to sensationalist news, John Walsh used this to his advantage.He became the host of Americas Most precious and used this as an avenue to help other victims of crimes and bring perpetrators to justice. The authors expound just how the Wa lsh family used their own resources, as well as, outside resources to beat up support in an attempt to locate their son. They first utilized search teams and even went as far as producing fliers that were distributed at every major(ip) U. S. Airport to passengers (Stanford & Matthews, 201 1, p. 3). They worked tirelessly to aid in not only trying to find their sons killer, but also other missing children in America.From their efforts came the bye of the Missing Childrens Act of 1982, the Missing Childrens Assistance Act of 1 984, the depicted object Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and the Adam Walsh Child Protection and pencil eraser Act. While the author does not detail the effectiveness of the legislation passed as a result of the Adam Walsh abduction and murder, its important to note the impact this case had on America. The legislation passed as a result of any font of heinous crime is usually roughs about as a result of public outcry and scrutiny. The Adam Walsh case invoked fear and anger from the company.Naturally the police were expected to solve the crime expeditiously and in a sense, make the streets safe again. According the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, more or less 800,000 children are reported missing in the CSS and over 100 of these cases are stereotypical kidnappings. Meaning the child did not know the kidnapper or the kidnapper was an conversance. The first three hours are the most critical when trying to locate a missing child (Key Facts, 2014). Otis Tool was intent on kidnapping a small boy in the hopes of raising that child as his own.According to the research by Miller et unfairly abduction is more likely to have a criminal motive such as robbery or, more often sexual assault (p. 529). While Tool confessed to having customized Adam, there was no direct evidence to prove this. This withdraw by Miller et al. , showed the difficulty in preventing unfairly abductions vs. family or acquaintance abductio ns. There have been studies regarding whether child abduction laws are effective in in truth preventing crime or simply giving a ales sense of security. In a study conducted by Freeman and Candler (2009), the Adam Walsh Act ( outside(a)) was examined.The AWAY required states to standardize their registration and community notification practices by categorizing sex offenders into three-tier levels in the interest of increasing public safety (p. 31). The study examined whether or not the AWAY, as well as, other similar acts in truth change magnitude public safety. The results indicated that the AWAY failed to increase the effectiveness of current registration and community notification practices. In fact, as indicated by the results of the rent study, the system actually decreases the ability of states to predict which sex offenders ordain sexually roofed and which ones will not (p. 5). The legislation passed as a result of the Adam Walsh case was meant to create organization amongs t the law enforcement agencies. Although it is natural for the media to sensationalist stories such as this, the main purpose was to at least create an avenue for law enforcement to share information with each other. The author detailed the numerous times when information should have been shared but was not. The Walsh family had not received article as to what evidence had been collected. Conclusion The book Brining Adam Home sheds light on one families struggle to find their son.The authors shed light on the reluctance of the Hollywood Police Department to work with other agencies to solve this case. The failure of the police to properly document evidence and witness statements caused this case to remain unsolved for longer than it should have. Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the growth of the womb a reward. Children are Gods greatest gifts. The impact a child abduction has on a family can be detrimental and can everlastingly impact that family. This case captured national attention and from that came a need to try and become more proactive than reactive when it came to child abductions.

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