Friday, February 22, 2019

The Incompatibility of Happiness and Truth

The Incompatibility of Happiness and Truth Dystopia Brave New humanness is full of characters who do everything they can to avoid facing the accuracy or so their own situations. The almost universal use of the drug soma is in every last(predicate) exchangeablelihood the most pervasive example of such willful self-delusion. Soma clouds the realities of the commit and replaces them with happy hallucinations, and is thus a tool for promoting social stability. But thus far Shakespeargon can be used to avoid facing the truth, as posterior demonstrates by his insistence on viewing Lenina through the lens of Shakespeares world, first as a Juliet and later as an impudent strumpet. consort to Mustapha Mond, the solid ground soil prioritizes blessedness at the expense of truth by design he believes that people are better off with pleasure than with truth. Soma The drug soma is a symbol of the use of flash gratification to control the World States populace. It is also a symbol o f the powerful influence of scientific discipline and technology on conjunction. What are these two abstract entities that Mond juxtaposes? It seems clear enough from Monds argument that happiness refers to the immediate gratification of every citizens desire for food, sex, drugs, nice clothes, and former(a) consumer items.It is less clear what Mond means by truth, or specifically what truths he sees the World State society as covering up. From Monds backchat with John, it is possible to identify two main types of truth that the World State seeks to eliminate. First, as Monds own past indicates the World State controls and muffles all efforts by citizens to gain any sort of scientific or empiric truth. Second, the government attempts to destroy all kinds of human truths, such as love, fri destinationship, and face-to-face connection.These two types of truth are quite different from each other(a) objective truth involves coming to a definitive conclusion of fact, spell a human truth can only be explored, non defined. Yet both kinds of truth are united in the warmth that an individual might feel for them. As a young man, Mustapha Mond became enthral with the delight of making discoveries, just as John loves the language and lastingness of Shakespeare. The search for truth then, also seems to involve a great submit of individual effort, of striving and fighting once morest odds.The very will to search for truth is an individual desire that the communal society of Brave New World, base as it is on anonymity and lack of thought, cannot allow to exist. Truth and laissez faire thus become entwined in the novels thematic structure. Mustapha Mond Towards the end of the novel the reader gets more information slightly Mustapha Mond. John, Bernard and Helmholtz are taken to his office because of the scandal in the hospital. Mustapha Mond is one of the World Controllers and responsible for westbound Europe.In the conversation with John he tells him that he was interested in science some years ago and because he was too clever for the society of Brave New World he had to choose between life history on an island for the rest of his life and conforming to the lifestyle in that society, which was on the whole rebuilt after the Nine Years War and the Great Economic Collapse. He decided to conform and to use the chances the position of one of the World Controllers offers. except he kept some of the books that are prohibited.When John who grew up with Shakespeares work asks him for the agent of this prohibition, he says that the government of Brave New World doesnt want the people to be attracted by old things, particularly books, because they should only like new things. In addition to that, the inhabitants wouldnt bring in books like Othello, because they live in totally different circumstances. They are happy, they arent afraid of anything, they get what they want and they never want what they cant get.Brave New World is a stable w orld and for understanding tragedies like Othello you need social instability. John criticises that art has been given up, but Mond explains to him that this is the legal injury you form to pay for happiness. By giving John the example of an examine where Alphas had to do even manual work all alone, but failed, he also explains the importance of the caste system, which is necessary for stability. Later, the two men blether about divinity and why he doesnt exist in Brave New World.Mond says, that people dont turn to God any longer, because they no longer have to suffer from illnesses, inconveniences, unhappiness, fears etc. so they can be independent of God and religion. John claims that God is the reason for everything noble and heroic, but Mustapha Mond tells him that there is no need for nobility or heroism, because everyone is conditioned they cant help doing what ought to be done and this is so pleasant that they dont feel the need to complain about anything.And if somethin g unpleasant happens, there is always soma to make you happy again Mustapha Mond is not able to convince John of his ideas and principles in the end of their conversation John says that he claims the right to be unhappy, to become old and ugly, to have cancer and all sorts of illnesses, to have too little to eat, to be anguished. so John claims the right to live like we live now.

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